Whether you’re here because somebody sent you one of my posts, you discovered Floorboard on Twitter or I somehow found my way to you through the Google search pages that are getting increasingly taken over by AI, thank you!

(And if somebody sent you here, please tell them I say thank you!)

If you’re just looking for the box to drop your email, it’s right here.

If you want a bit more info first, check out the About page or take a scroll through the blog to see what you’re getting yourself into.

Still not convinced? Take a look at some posts that are almost ready to be published (and could land in your email inbox shortly after!)

Coming soon to the blog

What I learned trying to build an AI feature into an existing product

Why AI is not the same as the “crypto bubble”

How a real estate company is combining their company data with AI to help run the entire business

Hopefully those sound like the kind of things you want to read! If that’s the case, drop your email below. (Hopefully) talk soon!